166 Blue Pins, 308 Yellow Pins, 228 Coloured Pins.
Medium: Plastic, stainless steel, acrylic and paper on acid-free foam board.
( 1 ) Title: 166 Blue Pins (Power In Numbers Series)
Medium: Plastic, stainless steel, acrylic and paper on acid-free foam board.
Year: 2020
166 blue pins forming the phrase ’166 BLUE PINS’.
( 2 ) Title: 228 Coloured Pins (Power In Numbers Series)
Medium: Plastic, stainless steel, acrylic and paper on acid-free foam board.
Year: 2021
228 Coloured pins forming the phrase ’228 COLOURED PINS’.
( 3 ) Title: 308 Yellow Pins (Power In Numbers Series)
Medium: Plastic, stainless steel, acrylic and paper on acid-free foam board.
Year: 2020
184 yellow pins forming the phrase ’184 YELLOW PINS’.